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Expert Tips for Healthy Weight Loss from Registered Dietitans

by Loop Nutrition on

Losing weight can seem tough, but it doesn’t have to be. Many people feel overwhelmed by the process, but it’s important to remember that small, manageable changes can lead to lasting results.

We asked our dietitians to share their best and most practical tips for healthy weight loss in the new year. These strategies focus on making changes that fit into your lifestyle and are easy to maintain.

By following these tips, you can work toward your weight loss goals without feeling deprived or stressed!

Set Specific Goals

Instead of saying, "I'm going to lose 10 lbs," try, "I'm going to lose 10 lbs by exercising three times a week and reducing my takeout meals." This approach clarifies your path and makes it more actionable. - Adam Williamson, MS, RD, LDN

Focus on Behaviors

It can also be helpful to set goals based on behaviors that promote weight loss instead of setting a goal for weight loss itself. Then, list all the reasons why those actions are important to you. This is really helpful because it assigns more value to the goal and more opportunities for success, i.e., not losing weight but still saving money by not eating out as much. This not only aids weight loss but can also improve your overall health! - Adam Williamson, MS, RD, LDN

Add Healthy Habits

Start by identifying what you can add to your diet and lifestyle. This could mean drinking more water, incorporating more whole foods, or adding an extra gym day. Positive additions can make a big difference. - Hannah Moss, RD, LDN

Prioritize Whole Foods

Choose nutrient-dense foods that nourish your body. Prioritizing whole foods like fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains can help you feel satisfied and energized. - Hannah Moss, RD, LDN

Use Smaller Plates

Using smaller plates can help with portion control. When your plate looks full, it creates the illusion of eating more, which can help you manage your portions without feeling deprived. - Hannah Moss, RD, LDN

Emphasize Protein and Fiber

Building balanced meals with protein and fiber can help keep you full longer. Fiber-rich foods are often nutrient-rich foods, so they nourish your body, but fiber is also filling, the same as protein. Building balanced meals that emphasize fiber and protein can help you feel more satisfied at meals. - Andrew Stillwagon, MS, RD, LDN

Reject the All-or-Nothing Mentality

You don't have to decide between working out 5 days a week or zero. Starting with 10 minutes of walking daily might be a great first step (pun intended) on your sustainable weight loss journey. Starting with where you are and making small changes can be the key to the sustainability of your plan. Small, manageable changes can lead to lasting habits! - Andrew Stillwagon, MS, RD, LDN 

Think Long-Term

Weight loss isn’t a sprint; it’s a marathon. Aggressive strategies may yield short-term results but are often unsustainable and will likely yield only short-term results. Focus on lifestyle changes that you can maintain over time. - Andrew Stillwagon, MS, RD, LDN

Stay Honest and Realistic

Be honest with yourself about your goals and progress. Avoid unnecessary fluff in your messaging. Focus on clarity and simplicity, which will help you stay motivated and on track. - Adam Williamson, MS, RD, LDN


Healthy weight loss is about making sustainable changes that work for you. By setting specific goals, focusing on behaviors, and prioritizing whole foods, you can create a plan that leads to lasting success.

Remember, it's a journey, not a race! Keep it real, stay honest, and celebrate your progress along the way.

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