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A Handy Guide to Serving Sizes

by Loop Nutrition on

If you want to improve your eating habits, you don't have to run to the grocery store to buy all the fruits and vegetables in the produce section. It might surprise you that there's actually a much simpler and more effective tool you can use to track what you eat. 

And you can take it with you everywhere you go!

In this blog, we'll explore how to use your hand -- you read that right, your hand -- to measure how much to eat, maintain proper portions, and track your food.

Why The Hand Works

Ok, so your hand won't be able to give you the exact measurement - BUT it is a simple and convenient way to estimate portion sizes. Here's why:

  1. Your hands are a consistent size. Since you're (likely) no longer growing, your hands provide a consistent size reference when determining your portion sizes with our handy guide.
  2. Your hands are portable. They come with you to work lunches, restaurants, social gatherings, and everywhere else you go. So, using them as a guideline can help save time and prevent unnecessary weighing and measuring when the proper tools aren't available!

Using Your Hand as a Portion Size Guide

Here are more details on how to use the different parts of your hands to measure all the foods you need to create a balanced plate.

Palm = Protein

Your palm can help you estimate the proper portion size of protein-rich foods like meat, fish, poultry, and tofu. A serving size of protein is roughly the size of your palm (excluding your fingers.)

Fist = Carbohydrates

Use one closed fist to gauge the appropriate portion of carbohydrate-containing foods such as rice, pasta, potatoes, and bread.

Thumb = Fats

Fats are an essential part of a balanced diet, but they are calorie-dense. Your thumb can help you measure a proper serving size of fats like butter, oils, nuts, and seeds.

Open Hands = Vegetables

Vegetables are packed with essential nutrients and low in calories. Two open hands can help you estimate the proper portion size of vegetables for a well-balanced meal.


By using your hand as a tool for portion control, you can simplify food tracking and make healthier choices. Whether you're dining out, cooking at home, meal prepping, or grabbing a quick snack, your hand can help you stay on track with your portion sizes.

Need more tips to improve your nutrition and fit your lifestyle? Talk 1:1 with one of Loop Nutrition's registered dietitians to get customized nutrition guidance and expert advice!