Loop Nutrition

Chip, Sip, Repeat: What Golfers Should Eat to Win

Written by Adam Williamson | Jun 10, 2024 3:50:58 PM

If you don't play golf, it might seem like a laid-back and leisurely sport.

But us golfers, we know better. Walking long distances, lugging your golf bag around, and spending all day in the sun can make a round of golf a real workout.

Sure, a lot of us hit the links because we love the game. But if you're like me, once I start swinging - it's game on, and I'm here to win!

Proper nutrition is key for us golfers to keep up our stamina, focus, and performance. So, as a registered dietitian, I'm here to give you my expert advice on how to fuel your win from tee-off to the back nine! 


Those morning tee times can be rough. You wake up and are more concerned with actually getting out of bed and to the course on time than even thinking about eating breakfast.

But eating a balanced breakfast before a round can really up your game and give you the edge over your golfing buddies on the course.

My go-to breakfast combo? Eggs, fruit, and a starchy side like oatmeal, toast, or biscuits. This meal hits the right balance of carbs and protein to help you stay full and will help keep you energized until you hit the back 9.

Don't have time for a full breakfast? Grab a protein shake and some fruit on your way to the course to help keep your energy levels up!

During the Front 9

At this point in the game, your focus needs to be staying hydrated. I recommend drinking at least 16 ounces of water or an electrolyte drink.

Especially if it's hot out or if you're walking the course, it's important to choose an electrolyte beverage with carbohydrates to increase your hydration and energy levels.

Grab a Gatorade, Powerade, or BodyArmor - just steer clear of the "zero" versions. 

At the Turn

You're halfway through, so it's time to refuel.

At least one glizzy is mandatory if you expect to score anything less than 110. (All jokes aside, seriously, eating anything is better than nothing here.) It's been about 3 hours of walking, standing, and sweating. With another two hours to go, you need that sustenance.

If you came to win, you'll want to get some protein and fats for satiety. You'll also want to load up on carbohydrates and sodium to support your energy levels for the rest of the game.

If hot dogs aren't your jam, you can opt for trail mix or a PB&J sandwich from home for a healthier choice. Both options offer a mix of protein, healthy fats, quick sugars for energy, and sodium for hydration.

Other snacks you can pack include deli sandwiches, energy bars, fruits, and oatmeal cookies.

**Remember to grab one more sports drink to sip on throughout the rest of the round to help you finish strong!

On the Back 9

Hydrate. Hydrate. Hydrate. Focus on drinks that will help keep you hydrated, maintain your electrolyte balance, and maintain your energy levels. (And no, those beers don't count as hydrating either.)

This will keep you sharp and focused to finish strong and take home that win!


Proper nutrition during a round of golf may not make you play like Tiger Woods, but it will give you a better chance at staying focused and fueled to out-drive and out-score your buddies. So eat, drink, and go hit ‘em straight and far!