Loop Nutrition

Sip Smart: How Proper Hydration Supports Your Wellness Goals

Written by Loop Nutrition | Mar 1, 2024 5:53:24 PM

Do you ever find yourself multiple hours into your workday and realizing that the water bottle you filled up with good intentions that morning is just staring at you completely full? You are not alone! Let's talk about why hydration is important and how much water/fluid your body needs.

Why is Hydration Important?

First off, why is hydration so important? Our bodies are made up of about 60% water, which means we need to replenish that supply on a regular basis. Water plays a crucial role in the body including regulating body temperature, aiding digestion, keeping skin looking healthy, and preventing headaches. Hydration can also play a role in energy levels, i.e. mild dehydration zapping your energy. 

How Much Water Should I Be Drinking?

Now, let’s address the elephant in the room—how much water should we actually be drinking? The answer is, it depends. Factors like activity level, body weight and climate can all impact how much water you need. In other words, hydration is highly individualized to your unique needs!  

As a general guideline it is helpful to aim for at least 64 oz (or 8 cups) of water per day as a baseline and up to half your body weight in ounces of fluid. Another tip is to monitor your urine output and color. A light pale yellow indicates you are doing a pretty good job, whereas a dark yellow indicates you need more fluids. 

Click here to learn 5 ways to spot the signs of dehydration.

Lets not forget the variety of beverages and foods that can help reach your hydration goals. While plain water is a great way to hydrate, sports drinks, coconut water, sparkling waters or herbal teas can also be included into the mix. To pick up your hydration game even more, including fruits and vegetables that are high in water content like cucumbers, watermelon or strawberries, to name a few, is another way to increase overall hydration. 

4 Ways to Make Hydration a Habit

Now that we've covered the importance of hydration and how to determine how much fluid you need daily, let's discuss some tips that actually help make drinking more water a habit. 

  • Carry a water bottle (that you actually like to drink out of) with you daily. Your water bottle is just another part of you now. 
  • Try fruit infused water or flavor water packets to make water taste better. A fan favorite is strawberry, lemon and cucumber infused water. Some water packets can be high in sugar, so check the sugar content if that is something you are being mindful of.
  • Swap a cup of coffee for non-caffeinated herbal tea.
  • Attach drinking water to a habit you already do daily. For example, keep a glass of water next to your bed and drink right when you wake up. Have a commute to work? Plan to drink 8 oz of water on your drive to and from work. Cooking dinner for the fam? Sip on a glass of fruit infused water while you cook. 

If you're interested in learning more hydration tips or ways to elevate your wellness game, schedule a free consult with one of Loop's Registered Dietitians!